Bequest Hero

A gift or bequest is a chance to create a long-lasting legacy that will continue to support King’s College into the future.

Every bequest regardless of its size, makes a significant difference, and ensures that King’s College can look forward to a future as bright and exciting as its past.  As an independent school we rely on the generosity of Old Collegians, parents and friends of the College. A bequest will cost you nothing today, but will have an enduring impact on future generations of students. All gifts to King’s College are directed to the King’s College Foundation

Create a personal legacy by including a gift in your will, this may include:

  • A specified amount or a percentage of your estate .
  • The residue of your estate after specific items, money and/or gifts have been given.
  • A particular item/s such as property, artworks, jewellery, shares or a copyright etc.
  • The gift of a life insurance policy or the associated bonuses.
  • A gift through a perpetual trust.

A bequest or gift can be tagged for a specific purpose, or to be used at the discretion of the Foundation, examples include:

  • Scholarships and Bursaries to ease the financial burden on talented students who may not otherwise not have the means to attend.
  • Special Purpose Funds including teaching and academic development, sports funds and Chapel preservation.
  • College facilities for the preservation and modernising of facilities for both students and staff.
  • Unspecified gifts which provide the greatest benefit, to be directed to where help is most needed.

Recognising Bequest Donors

By notifying us of your intent, we can express our gratitude and discuss appropriate options for recognition. The more we know about your wishes, the better we are able to honour your intentions in full when we receive your bequest. This will also all us to say thank you in your lifetime, and keep you informed of developments at King’s College. 

A notified bequest of $10,000 or more will qualify you for membership of the King’s College Foundation, however all bequest amounts and purposes remain confidential unless you agree that they may be made public.

If this is something that you would like to consider then please contact us for a confidential discussion with our Headmaster Simon Lamb, or Development Director Tessa Yeoman +64 21 252 8411. We also recommend that you discuss the options with your solicitor.

On behalf of the College and our students current and future, we thank you for your support.

Bequest suggested wording:

If you are considering making a bequest to King’s College, here is some suggested wording to ensure your wishes are carried out:

“I give and bequeath to the King’s College Foundation, a charitable trust registered with the New Zealand Charities Commission (CC21589), $ (a specific dollar amount) or (a specific percentage) of my estate or (the whole or a specific percentage) of the residue of my estate or (describe precisely the item of property) free from all duties and charges, as a contribution to the King’s College Foundation to be applied for (xyz), for which the receipt of the King’s College Foundation Board shall be sufficient discharge to my executors for this bequest.”

Note: (xyz) could simply describe the type of scholarship or programme you wish to direct your gift to.