010804 About Kings Leadership Image Hero

At King’s we have an effective leadership structure that integrates itself across all facets of the College.

Meet our Educational Leadership Team


  • Simon Lamb - Head of King's College

    BA, DipTchg, LTCL, SMMCert

    As Head of King's College, Simon Lamb is responsible for maintaining and evolving the College's vision and direction and ensuring the educational, spiritual, cultural and financial wellbeing of the institution.







  • John Payne - Deputy Head

    BSc, DipTchg

    The Deputy Head is responsible for the daily operations and student welfare programmes of the College. The Deputy Head is expected to ensure that the College provides the best possible staff and student welfare programmes and environment through the promotion of health, wellbeing, resilience, and academic care.

    The Deputy Head deputises for the Headmaster in his absence.





  • Geoff Smith - Deputy Head, Academic

    BE, DipTchg

    The Deputy Head - Academic is responsible for ensuring that personalised programme design, as well as future staff and student attainment is measured, informed, reported and rewarded through data analysis and data synthesis.






  • Kelly Bigwood - Deputy Head, Pedagogy

    MProfSt Education, BCom, DipTchg

    The Deputy Head - Pedagogy is responsible for ensuring that current and future staff are professionally and personally supported and developed to assist them in receiving the best possible learning experience in the best possible learning environment.





  • Rob Griffiths - Deputy Head, Pastoral

    MA (Hons), GradDipTchg (Sec), PGDipEdLd

    The Deputy Head – Pastoral is responsible for all aspects of school life which enhance the welfare and wellbeing of our students, including the House system, Boarding, Counselling and Mentoring.  The Deputy Head also oversees all co-curricular activities and education outside the classroom including the Year 10 Adventure Challenge as part of our commitment to the best possible all-round education.   




Meet our Senior Leadership Team


  • Simon Lamb - Head of King's College

    010801 About Kings Senior Leadership Team Simon Lamb
    BA, DipTchg, LTCL, SMMCert

    As Head of King's College, Simon Lamb is responsible for maintaining and evolving the College's vision and direction and ensuring the educational, spiritual, cultural and financial wellbeing of the institution.






  • John Payne - Deputy Head

    BSc, DipTchg

    The Deputy Head is responsible for the daily operations and student welfare programmes of the College. The Deputy Head is expected to ensure that the College provides the best possible staff and student welfare programmes and environment.

    The Deputy Head deputises for the Headmaster in his absence.






  • Kelly Bigwood - Deputy Head, Pedagogy

    MProfSt Education, BCom, DipTchg

    The Deputy Head - Pedagogy is responsible for ensuring that current and future staff are professionally and personally supported and developed to assist them in receiving the best possible learning experience in the best possible learning environment.

  • Rob Griffiths - Deputy Head, Pastoral

    MA (Hons), GradDipTchg (Sec), PGDipEdLd

    The Deputy Head – Pastoral is responsible for all aspects of school life which enhance the welfare and wellbeing of our students, including the House system, Boarding, Counselling, and Mentoring.  The Deputy Head also oversees all co-curricular activities and education outside the classroom including the Year 10 Adventure Challenge as part of our commitment to the best possible all-round education.





  • Reverend Gareth Walters - Senior Chaplain

    BA, BTheol, PGDipTchg

    The Senior Chaplain is responsible for Chapel worship and all other spiritual outreach including pastoral care for the College community, overseeing the teaching of Religious Studies in the classroom and overseeing outreach by the College to the community.



  • Liz Fleming - People & Culture Director

    The People & Culture Director is responsible for providing all Human Resource Management advice and support to the College’s professional teaching and non-teaching staff. The People & Culture function is considered as an essential and dynamic element of the College’s day to day operation and performance. As well as HR advice the People & Culture Director is expected to play a full part in supporting staff in delivering world class pastoral care, cultural and supporting activities.

  • Matthew Way - Information Services Director

    The Director of Information Services is responsible for all aspects of IT at King’s College and ensures that the College remains at the forefront of IT for both educational and administrative purposes.







  • Johnina Salmon - Finance Director

  • Caroline Dobby - Marketing Director

  • Tessa Yeoman - Development Director


    The Development Director works with the Headmaster and Board of Governors to design and deliver fundraising initiatives including alumni and donor engagement. Responsible for stewarding existing donors and promoting opportunities for prospective supporters, including gifting and legacy giving.