26 Feb 2019

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Last weekend a group of NCEA Level 2 and 3 Art History students visited Sydney to view an exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. Students were able to view Impressionist, Cubist and early twentieth-century paintings by artists who are studied in both syllabuses.

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The Master of Modern Art exhibition comprised paintings on loan from the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg and represented the best opportunity to view such works in their original, without having to go to Europe to do so.

"The students used the opportunity to study selected paintings as part of internal assessments, analysing the effects that artists’ choice of media and their application and the impacts of those on the viewer," says Teacher-in-Charge and Head of E-learning, David Parr. "Selected paintings by Impressionists Alfred Sisley and Claude Monet, Paul Gauguin and Paul Cézanne, and Pablo Picasso and Wassily Kandinsky were closely scrutinised for detailed information that is simply not discernible in photographic reproductions." 

The group also visited the Museum of Contemporary Art for a fascinating insight into contemporary Australian art, especially the way it provokes conversations about cultural identity.