Terms and conditions for tutorial services in Speech & Drama and Communication

King’s College offers Speech & Drama and Communication lessons. These are offered during the school day by a team of carefully selected, vetted and qualified visiting Speech & Drama teachers. The teachers are selected, but not employed by the College and are contracted to teach by King’s parents who book their time.

The College approves the programmes and most will lead to examinations in Trinity Guildhall syllabus. It is important to understand the nature of the arrangement and so these are the terms & conditions by which the teachers agree to abide: 


The tuition starts at the next available opportunity upon receipt of a completed online application form, available through the King’s College website. “Speech & Drama” is here intended to represent “Tutorial Services” in all documents. 


The purpose of the contract is to set out the conditions by which the Tutor provides tutorial services to the son/daughter of the Client who is a student at King’s College. 

Nature of the tutorial services 

The Tutor will provide tuition in Speech & Drama and for the duration you specify, during or around school hours and on school premises. The cost of books and examination fees are additional. 


The tuition will take place at King’s College unless otherwise advised by the Tutor. 

Duration of Contract 

The tuition will begin on the first available date and continue until further notice, until either party in accordance with its provisions terminates the contract. These will roll over to the next Term. A Term consists of eight lessons (up to 32 lessons across the year). Each lesson is for a duration of 30 minutes. 


Individual tuition for Speech & Drama costs $400 plus GST per term. This is payable each term and charges will go onto your College account. Additional lessons can be arranged at the discretion of the Head of Performing Arts. 


The Client will from time to time require the Tutor to prepare and supply written or verbal reports as to the progress of the student. Often these are emailed. 

Termination of Contract by the Client 

The Client may terminate this contract by giving the Tutor one term’s notice, on the grounds of: 

  • Non-compliance by the Tutor with reasonable standards of quality and care in the tuition of the student; OR Failure by the Tutor to adhere to the agreed tuition timetable; OR Wanting to give up Speech & Drama lessons. 

Termination of the Contract by the Tutor 

At any time, the Tutor may terminate this contract by giving the Client two weeks’ notice on the grounds of: 

  • Failure by the Student to adhere to the tuition timetable or conduct themselves in a reasonable manner.
  • Periods of unexplained absence which does not contribute to sustained learning. 


If for reasons of illness or circumstances beyond the Tutor’s control, the Tutor is unable to provide the services contracted to students on a certain day or period, the Tutor will notify the designated person at King’s College of his/her unavailability and shall also advise the College of contingency plans, and a relieving Tutor will be provided. 

Student absence 

If for any reason the student is unable to make a lesson, the Tutor must be notified by noon the previous working day to enable changes to be made, otherwise the lesson will be forfeited. For a Monday absence, this is by noon Friday. If the teacher is away, then the lesson will be made up or the fees adjusted accordingly. If the student is ill and the lesson cannot be rearranged, this is normally chargeable.

Although the Speech & Drama teachers are aware of school events, it is the responsibility of each student to tell the teacher or Performing Arts Office of any school absence from Speech & Drama lessons e.g. Year 10 camp, Field Trips etc. No lessons take place during Internal School exams. 

Lesson times 

The lessons are given at a fixed time each week, rotating each term for students coming out of class. For out of class times (before school, interval, lunch and after school) priority is given first to those taking two itinerant lessons (so one of the lessons will be out of class time), followed by senior students. 


The College makes available full contact records to the tutors on request, for purposes of contacting parents. The records include telephone numbers and email addresses submitted to the College. The tutors are also encouraged to read the statements on learning needs held on file to aid better teaching and understanding of each student. The tutors undertake to respect privacy and confidentiality of any personal information gained during the period of teaching at the College. 

Telephone/cell phone communication 

Speech & Drama teachers, who are itinerant and only in College certain hours, sometimes find the convenience of issuing cell phone numbers to students to be invaluable. This can be useful if the teacher is away and they do not want the student to miss more class than is necessary. Students similarly like to contact if they discover their train is late etc.

If you do not wish your son/daughter to divulge a cell phone number, or to be contacted by the Speech & Drama teacher in this way, please make this clear to the Performing Arts Office or to your son/daughter. We would also highlight use of email as a useful tool in communication. 

Full record 

This Contract represents a full record of the agreement entered into between the parties and any changes or additions to this Contract will need to be mutually agreed to in writing. 

This Contract replaces all previous written or oral agreements and understandings. It is held on file in the Performing Arts Department.

For any further info, please contact Lynne Langdon, l.langdon@kingscollege.school.nz or the Head of Performing Arts Emma Featherstone e.featherstone@kingscollege.school.nz.