I authorise King’s College Trustees (herein referred to as the Initiator), using Authorisation Code 0659838, until further notice in writing, to debit my/our account with all amounts the Initiator may initiate by Direct Debit.

This direct debit authority will commence once charges become due to the King’s College Trustees. An annual statement detailing the fee instalments and due dates will be communicated prior to commencement of the school year.

A monthly statement of incidental charges will be emailed within 5 working days of month end and the direct debit effected on 21st of the month following charge.

Your bank account will be debited no less than 10 days from the date of your invoice.

Should you wish to dispute any Direct Debit(s) initiated upon your nominated account within nine months of the first Direct Debit, then we as the Initiator must produce evidence of your Instructions and Confirmation within ten business days. If we fail to do so, then your Bank may reverse the Direct Debit(s). If you are not satisfied that the Instructions you have given authorise us to direct debit your nominated account, your Bank may reverse the Direct Debit(s).

I confirm I have sole authority over the bank account nominated (NB: sole authority is defined as any one person who is a nominated account signatory that can operate the account alone, as per the account mandate instructions. This can apply to joint accounts, please check with your Bank if necessary).

If you do not have sole authority over the bank account nominated, you are required to complete a direct debit form. We cannot collect any direct debits until the form is physically received. This can be forwarded here.

I have read and accept the Terms and conditions.

I acknowledge and authorise my Bank to accept these Instructions only upon the conditions found in the Terms and Conditions page.

Should you wish to query, amend or cancel these Instructions please contact us.

A Confirmation will be will be sent to you within five Business Days.