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Information for New Parents

Do you have questions about starting at King's College in 2025? These helpful links are for the whānau members of new students.

Uniform, stationery and e-learning technology requirements

Students must be equipped with the correct uniform, stationery, and tech.

Co-Curricular Programme

There are many opportunities for your student to get involved with sports, arts, and culture at King's.

Orientation Days Booklet

Wondering what you need to know for the Orientation Days? Read the booklet below. 

Information about our Health Centre, mobile phone protocols, and the Uniform Shop opening hours

  • Introduction to the Health Centre, Te Puna Whaiora

    Te Puna Whaiora, our Health Centre, is an integral component of the comprehensive pastoral care service delivered at King’s College. Our experienced registered nurses work alongside all areas of the College to improve the hauora and wellbeing of our community. 

    The Health Centre, located between School House and Greenbank House, offers a 24-hour, 7-day a week service for Boarding students and the care of Day students during College hours. Our 24/7 service is covered by the school nursing team. 

    Our school nursing team uses evidence-based practice in all assessment, treatment and planning of health care provided to our students. They focus on a holistic approach to health including physical, emotional and spiritual health needs. Our nurses are skilled in educating students on health promotion and prevention while providing tools to enable a positive health journey while at King’s College and beyond.

    Accessing the Health Centre

    Students accessing the Health Centre during class time must have permission from their teacher. Students may present to the Health Centre without permission during break times. After hours, a Boarding student must inform their Housemaster, House Manager or Tutor on Duty before presenting to the Health Centre. 

    The Health Centre team will inform parents, where necessary if their child is unwell. Where a student is too unwell to return to class or the Boarding House, a parent or Auckland-based guardian will be contacted and asked to collect them from school. It is College policy that a student should be reviewed by a nurse before going home unwell.

    Services facilitated through the Health Centre:

    College Doctor - Our Doctor’s Clinic is available before school for Boarding students. A Doctor's consultation is $35 charged to the student’s incidentals account.  

    College Physiotherapy - Our Physiotherapy Clinic is available for bookings after school for all students. The College’s physiotherapy provider is ACC-affiliated. There is a $25 surcharge for each treatment under ACC and a $40 charge for a private/non-ACC appointment. 

    Health and Wellbeing Assessments

    Every year, the Health Centre completes an in-depth Health and Wellbeing Assessment with all new-to-Boarding students. 

    These assessments play an important role in the early identification and intervention of any health and wellbeing needs a student may have during their transition period into King’s College. They also allow us the opportunity to introduce students to our Health Centre.  

    During the assessment we use a comprehensive psychosocial assessment tool called a HEeADSSS Assessment, used to identify risk and protective factors. Like all services provided by the Health Centre, the assessment is confidential.

    Important Vaccination Information

    Student vaccination status - For the best protection against preventable communicable diseases we recommend all students’ immunisation status is up to date with the New Zealand Immunisation Schedule. Please ensure you have sent proof of your son/daughters vaccination status to the Health Centre.

    Meningococcal vaccination for Boarding students - Adolescents living in a community setting (such as students living in a Boarding House) fall into one of the most at-risk groups for getting infected with meningococcal disease. A person with meningococcal disease can develop meningitis (inflammation of the membrane around the brain), septicaemia (blood infection) or pneumonia. There are several different groups of meningococcal bacteria. The most common strains in New Zealand include groups A, B, C, Y and W. 

    MenQuadfi and Bexsero vaccines cover the five most common strains and are free for people ages 13 to 25 years during their first year of living in a boarding school hostel, or 3 months before they move in.

    Your child will need:

    • One dose of the MedQuadfi vaccine and,
    • Two doses of the Bexsero vaccine. The second dose can be given eight weeks after the first dose. 

    We strongly recommend getting both the MenQuadfi and Bexsero vaccinations before starting Boarding. These vaccines are available through your family doctor.

    Health Centre - Te Puna Whaiora Contact Details 
    If you would like more information about the services we provide please contact our Health Centre Team. 

    Email: nurse@kingscollege.school.nz |  Phone: +64 27 466 7744  |  +64 9 276 0624

  • Mobile Phone Protocols

    This year we will be continuing the 'on-site, out of sight' protocol to restrict mobile phone usage between the hours of 8.20am to 3.20pm.

    Arrangements will of course be made for students or parents who need to contact each other urgently. We hope that this change will continue to build and maintain a healthy and happy environment for all our students here at the College. 


  • Uniform Shop Information

    The King's College Uniform shop will be open for uniform fittings from Monday 13 January 2025.

    Our hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm. You can find a detailed list of uniform requirements here.

    Current fittings are for summer uniforms - you can book a fitting online here. 

    For new parents, payment will need to be made at the time of purchase by cash, eftpos or credit card. 

    Returning students can order their uniform items via our online shop. Goods will be billed to the account, and customers will be notified by email once the orders are ready for pickup. 

Who do I ask? Key staff contacts

During your child’s time here at the College, you might have questions about their learning, activities or behaviour. Bookmark the link below, where you will find information about who to contact.

Upcoming Events at the College

There’s always something happening at King’s College, with arts, academic, cultural, and sporting events taking place on and off campus.